Well, I’ve gone and done it

11092582_10202610315573938_1072713156_nI have entered Swimming for the Light into a novel contest on the Inkitt site. Voting is now open, and I encourage you to take a look at the various fandoms currently represented. Unfortunately, the lovely banner created by American Android is not gracing my work (grr, grumble), even after she removed the writing (grr, grumble some more), but there is an ‘acceptable’ photograph…

If you click the banner, it will take you over to the story.

I will be posting Swimming to this site in .pdf later today for those of you who have asked for that version. I also plan to convert Far Reach to .pdf and post later this month.

13 thoughts on “Well, I’ve gone and done it

      1. Thanks. Several people have been encouraging me to take my OC’s and my story and start turning it into an original or do something like you just did. We’ll see. I would love to do it. I’m working on part 2 now and we’ll see how well it’s received before I make a choice like that. Thanks so much for your kind words and thoughts on it. đŸ™‚

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