Spring in Winter…

In New England, we celebrate the January thaw. It isn’t supposed to be as warm as it’s been recently, the temperatures warming into the fifties, and bulbs being fooled into sending their first shoots into the light. No, the January thaw is supposed to be nights in the teens and daytime in the forties. These warmer days just make our reaction more foolish.

We rush outside. We shed our winter coats and forget hats and mittens. Anywhere you see young people, there are guaranteed to be several in shorts, their wet sneakers plodding through the sad, dirty remnants of snow.

We get notions about garden planning and any nursery open sees an uptick in customers, staring at empty shelves where perennials will appear, when real Spring emerges.

In short, we find hope. It reminds us that although there will still be days (and days) of ice and cold, Spring does return, and soon enough, the hot humid of summer will make us groan, wishing for the cool days of winter again.

A special thanks to Ms Buffy. I’ve been filling your in-box and you have taken my lumps of coal, polishing them into something more.

A shout-out to Gyllene, the wonderful artist whose work graces this story.

And all my best to you, who read and remark. I enjoy our shared conversation!

Chapter 47 – They Walk In Darkness

Time for a Step Back…


Plain Sight is a bit of a step back. Until now, we’ve seen the events as they’ve unfolded from Sookie’s point of view. In Plain Sight, it’s time to step behind the curtain, seeing events first through Eric’s eyes, then Niall’s, and finally Pam’s.

All my best. My condolences to Ms Buffy. I am also crying tears in my Terrible Towel and vowing revenge for next year. Go Steelers!

Best to Gyllene, or Harlow Layne, which is her publishing name. You can follow her on Facebook. She has betas busy on her first original work.

Chapter 46 – Plain Sight

Single File…

Ah, the last part of the story takes form! There is something sad about knowing another one is coming to an end, but there is a sense of relief as well. I have my next idea framing out – a sequel to Turnings.

It is the last thing I would have thought, but I thank Ms Buffy for assuring me that Turnings was a worthy project. Your wise words and steady talent make me shine… I am grateful to you!

Thank you to all my readers who have patiently walked the Irish journey with me. It has allowed me to play with the cadences and images of the fairytales I love.

Thank you, Gyllene, for the dreamy image that inspires the story!

Chapter 45 – Single File

Into Every Life…

I hope those of you in the United States are remaining warm and safe. It’s a balmy negative 6 degrees F (-21 C) here this morning, and I’m grateful for central heat and artificial light. I will be donating extra items for those who are homeless this season. It is, truly, a time of counting blessings and considering those for whom the great wheel has turned.

Special shout-out to Gyllene. Her lovely banner graces several of my stories, including this one, as well as the banner for my WordPress site.

To my wonderful editor, Ms Buffy… Go Steelers!!!

Oh, and a moment of brag: Thank you, to the folks at STARS Library for naming “A Heart’s Desire,” as Featured Story for the first part of January. I wrote this one a while ago, as a Christmas gift for FairyTale Amber, a fellow author. It’s one of the smuttier things I’ve written. What can I say? I like it.

STARS Library is a great fanfiction site. It does require permission but you’ll find the administrator is great. Worth a peruse.

Hope you all have a wonderful day.

 Chapter 44 – Beyond Light