Still time to enter Kittyinaz’s Monthly Story Challenge

April 2016 Writing Challenge

There are still a couple days to get your story in under the deadline!


Every month, Kittyinaz hosts a writing challenge. This month there a picture (which unfortunately I can’t reproduce). The rules are straightforward and the results are always fun to read.

Follow the link to April 2016, and look for the announcement that entries are ready for reading and voting.

Chapter 6 – A Fair Sea

adistanthorizonI hope you enjoyed your weekend. For many of us, it was a weekend of celebrations. Some celebrations had religious overtones, and others were an acknowledgement of Spring. As you looked at the faces of those you loved, I hope you spared a moment to think of those whose week has been a nightmare. At this time in the northern hemisphere, when all is turning to renewal and rejuvenation, it is unthinkable that so many lives were cut short; lives that held promise and joy.

If I have one prayer, one thought I would send out to whatever spirit or great divine that makes the sun rise and grass grow, it would be that the anger that causes people to do such hateful things is quieted and that they find the peace to allow us all to live in grace.

Chapter 6 – A Fair Sea

Book Reviews

Happy Easter to everyone,and if you find yourself in chocolate hangover, nothing cures it like a good book. As always, Breathesgirl has gathered a basket of the best.
Happy Holidays

SVM & TB Stories

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One of the fun things about writing….

…is that you get to dictate the pace. For those of you who have already read Chapter 3 of Distant Horizon, you know I left things in a bit of a cliff-hanger. This is not something I do often, and frankly, when I’m reading, it bugs the crap out of me.

It is a bit of a holiday weekend here. For religious folks, there will be services and for those who have a different version of believing, there will be reasons to walk in the wide world and eat too much.

For me, it is also the perfect excuse to double down on releasing chapters. I will release Chapter 4 – Sailing Upwind, later today. Spoiler alert – it does not resolve the cliffhanger, but it does set the final pieces in motion that explain what is coming.

Chapter 5 – The Breakwater, will release tomorrow, and that does answer the remaining Eric/Sookie questions.

Consider it my holiday gift and nod to the Spring of a promising new year.

Thanks – and hope you have a wonderful weekend!
