Chapter 10 – Neap Tide is ready


As many of my readers know, I’m fond of nautical references, and Neap Tide is one of them. In case you don’t want to jump over to Wiki, a neap tide is when the forces of land and sea are most closely in balance. All things are equal – and so it is with our characters. Fate had conspired to bring them into the same place, and under circumstances that allow them to put aside the forces that move them and just be themselves – a true moment in time.

Today starts the official start of Christmas season in my house. The tree (artificial these days) will be set up and I’ll play Christmas music as I hang ornaments. Fall leaves disappear and evergreens take their place.

My best wishes to you and your families in the coming weeks. As the year begins its final turn toward the start of another year, I wish you all the best of moments and better ones for the time that will come.

My thanks to Ms Buffy, whose skill polishes all my hard edges. I give her credit for this story coming to life. I wasn’t sure there was room for another take on Sookie, Eric and a child, but she told me otherwise. I have to say, I’m happy with the outcome. Ms Buffy, you were right!

Chapter 10 – Neap Tide

Chapter 9- Dust Devils…


In the United States we celebrate Thanksgiving on this day. Depending on where you’re from, this is a holiday that has some political overtones, but today, exhausted by rhetoric and the on-going and apparently long-overdue debate over how we see each other and how we treat each other, I’m going to focus on the small things.

I am thankful I have food to eat. I am thankful I have a roof over my head. I am thankful that me and mine are in good health and that we have the means to keep it that way. I am thankful that there are no wars raging on my front door. I am thankful that there are places not so far away where I can walk and walk and see nothing but what nature placed there.

I am thankful for a strong mind, a quick wit, and the ability to express myself. I am thankful for a curious mind and the good sense to put it to work.

I am thankful for my family and friends.

I am thankful for Ms Buffy, my editor, who cheers me with her own stories and shares her journey and her talent with me.

I am thankful for each of you, who reads, and especially to those of you who comment, critique, guess and kibbitz as the story continues along its journey.

May you and your families, likewise, have many reasons to be thankful.

Chapter 9 – Dust Devils

Chapter 8 -And Now Sooner has arrived


Winter is hinting that maybe… perhaps it will come to my part of New England. Unlike many of my peers, I can’t wait! I eye my woodpile, checking the temperature and hoping it dips low enough that I can satisfy my New England Yankee natural tendencies. You see, you can’t just light the fireplace. There has to be a reason. I’m not overly religious, but wasting anything is a mortal sin in my book. I gather fallen twigs and can what I can’t eat in Mason jars. I cook for the week and make sure it’s something I really (really) like, because I’ll be eating it until it’s gone. My latest venture is making mead. I like it. It’s too expensive to buy by the bottle, and there’s something satisfying about creating your own.

But enough about me! This coming week is a holiday in the United States, called Thanksgiving. It is a day about celebrating the bounties of this life with good friends and family, and I will be celebrating by releasing an extra chapter of this story, and then returning to my regular Sunday schedule.

My thanks to you. I appreciate your reading and sharing this journey with me.

Chapter 8 – And Now Sooner

Do Not Pass Go… Chapter 7 is ready


Good morning and hope the weather and circumstances find you all safe and sound.

In our story, there is a change. It started when Karin sent vampires to watch Sookie, and now, the safety Sookie found for her son and herself in her self-imposed exile seems to be coming to an end. There is trouble in their world, and that trouble is looking for her. And so Sookie will discover that, in the end, you can’t hide from who, and what you are, and she will do what she must to help her son do the same.

Thank you, Ms Buffy for your sharp eye and tireless support. I am more grateful than I can say.

I hope you like it.

Chapter 7 – Do Not Pass Go

Happy Sunday and Fall Back!


Here in the United States we observe something called Daylight Savings Time. For those of you who are armchair history buffs (like me), you know this was put in place during World War I as a conservation measure so that people wouldn’t be in the dark and use more fuel to light their homes. It was considered unnatural (most folks were still farmers then) and it was repealed, but then another war showed up, and Franklin Roosevelt made it law, for pretty much the same reason, although there was a ‘working longer’ component in there too.

And here I am – an extra hour ‘stolen’ into my life, and posting, at least by the clock, earlier than usual.

Gavotte, Chapter 6 in Turnings, follows Sookie and Ricky into their lives. It gives a sense of the different ways time passes for vampires and humans. It also touches on the difficulties and challenges of parenting, particularly when you feel you have something to hide.

Nurture? Nature? There are elements of both.

Thank you Ms Buffy for all your help. I promise, I will return to writing this one as soon as holiday stories and Baile are completed. December… I swear!

For my readers, Turnings is officially fifteen chapters and growing, so you won’t notice any delay in my weekly postings.

I hope your Fall is shaping up beautifully and that you are looking forward to snow and sleds and the magic of winter. I know I am!

Chapter 6 – Gavotte