Real Life

Certainly not a good excuse, but the one I have. Real life has intruded on my writing time, nibbling at first, and more recently, taking great, greedy bites of that time I consider my own. Each job, each side of my life, which I maintain in their balanced boxes: work, scouting, condo leadership, writing, brewing, family, hiking, exercise, each playing in harmony… until recently.

Great things require sacrifice. I accept that as a maxim, and yet, now that I find myself in that place where several parts are dwarfing the others, I find I resent it. I want it all, like any screaming child.

But, balance will find its way to me, again. For now, enjoy this chapter, and I will use the holiday to write, bringing that lovely part of my life back into the forefront.

I wish my talented, amazing Ms Buffy and her family all the best at this holiday season. I apologize for not sending this chapter to you first. All mistakes are my own.

Best of holidays to you all.

Chapter 24 – Crows Come Home

Winter roars…

Unlike years past with their lingering warm weather, this year winter has come. There’s been no tip-toeing or dilly-dallying about it. One day it was warm and the next there was a blast of rain and wind that as much as said, “Fun’s Over! Bundle up!”

Now, the trees are all but bare and the wind blows cold, sending whirlwinds of leaves that scrape and skitter across the paved surfaces, chattering against each other.

My best to all, and especially to Ms Buffy. Bundle up, my friend, and protest those hands!

Happy Sunday…

Chapter 23 – Prodigal’s Passage

The Company of Women

There is a freedom that is found when a woman travels in the company of women. That is not to say that being among women is a judgment-free zone, far from it, but the judgments we place are about who we are, not what we are. We may carp about the one who tries too hard to please or the one who takes too many selfies, but mostly, we talk about the ways we can help and support each other. We worry about the relationship that is toxic or the aging among us. Wordlessly, we reach with our many hands to help prepare group breakfasts. As a tribe, we slow steps to make sure no one of our number walks alone. We hold our complaining when the wind bites cold and we break into unscripted, silly song, laughing as girls, knowing is doesn’t matter that hair is windblown and clothes are muddy. We are free to be ourselves with others who feel the same.

It is a gift that one gives oneself. I heard someone say you can’t trust a woman who doesn’t have women friends, and although there is some part of me that rebels against sweeping statements, there is another part that recognizes the deep wisdom of those words.

I have had best friends who are men. I have good friends who are male, but it isn’t the same. I am sure that for men, they find a similar experience. Gender, I find is a common experience that bonds most closely. It provides a context that rises above mere words. It is a perspective that allows true empathy.

It is my best wish for all of you, that you, too, will find that circle of friends  that allow you to refuel who you are, strong in the knowledge that you are among those who see you as their own.

And now, the chapter. My thanks to Ms Buffy, a woman I am honored to count among my circle. Congratulations to Gyllene (Harlow Layne), the creator of this story’s lovely banner, on releasing her first original work of fiction.

  Chapter 21 – The Gathering of Things

The Magic of Change

It’s a different quality of light that plays through the leaves these days. It seems only a few short weeks ago, the light held that hint of gold. When you looked outside, you knew the air itself would feel rich, carrying the promise of heat and growing things. Now, it’s changed.

The leaves are still green, but the light no longer kisses everything it touches. Rather, it catches leaves, freezing them in its white, unforgiving brightness. It’s as if the sun is revealing them, unawares, and demanding they account for themselves.

The trees that line the ravine I see haven’t started to turn yet. They remain in all their glory, but the texture of their leaves has changed. Where once those leaves folded, flexible and lush, now they move as a piece, waiting for that first strong wind to whip and rip them from branches. Soon, they will give up their green camouflage, revealing their more colorful underpinnings and the motion of change will be revealed as well.

My best to all of you. Thank you to my special friend, Ms Buffy. I hope this change of season is kind to you.

Thank you – Natsgirl

Chapter 17 – It Turns

Fall Arrives…

Welcome to that gate-keeper to my favorite season; Welcome Fall!. There’s something in the air, the first nip of cold and snow, that makes my nose twitch. The earth sends up its heavy scent and you can almost feel the great wheel begin to slow. Somehow, things seem more luxurious now, as though nature itself decides to make its best effort before tucking things away for another year. The ground is covered with drying grasses and the forest floor crunches with acorns underfoot. Leaves begin to dry and curl, and the first bursts of color appear, startling against green backgrounds. The rains return and streams that were dry for the long, hot summer, spring back to life. My little lily pad fountain has become host to a frog and I noticed egg clusters floating on strings. He has made his provisions for next year, even as he starts to prepare to hibernate, hoping that he’ll find another year as well.

My best to all of you, and my special thanks to Ms Buffy, for her continued support in editing my pages.

Congratulations to Harlow Layne (Gyllene) who recently had her first book launch. Go look for her on Amazon and other on-line portals.

Happy Fall! I hope you make time to fashion your leaf crown and dance for the turn of season!

Chapter 16 – Into Thin Air